Have you and your fiancé recently become engaged? Our premarital program is ideal for you. We offer unique couple-to-couple mentoring for those who desire to enter marriage with God’s guidance. Our program walks couples through our scripture based curriculum, to address concerns such as love language differences, emotional and physical intimacy issues and conflict resolution. And we provide practical tools for you to apply in the areas of finance, communication, and affair proofing your marriage.
"As a rope needs the third strand to bind two strands together,
God is the third person that binds the man and woman together in union as one." – Mark 10:8
Marriage by God is a program based on Christ as the center of marriage between a man and a woman. We are committed to building marriages that will last a lifetime.

We’re growing a network of mentors to help build great marriages that last a lifetime! We are offering an opportunity to impact the lives of a young couple looking for guidance in their most important decision to commit to someone for life. Can you commit to six session of mentoring? Once you see how receptive a premarital couple is to your guidance, you will want to do more. We show you how to use our mentor’s guide which provides scripture verses and practical tools that focus on overcoming the challenges of marriage.
Are you looking for a solution to address the divorce problem? Do you hope young couples will find the church relevant in their life together? Marriage by God provides solutions for these pastoral concerns!
Our program trains couples from your congregation to mentor engaged couples. Marriage by God is designed to aid and help free you from premarital mentoring. As your couples are trained and mentoring engaged couples, they strengthen their marriage when they apply the material to their own marriage.